January 19, 2009

The Same Band is Still Playing?????

The 5th of January was the last day for school to be out, so Mattie and I spent the day together. It was such a great day. We both decided it was almost as good as our family day at the river. We both think that was the best day ever. She was dropped off around 7:00. I cooked her breakfast (she did not I could do that so she had begun without me). We hung aroung the house a while and did stuff and things. Make up and hair... We headed out about lunch time and thought we would go to Ketchup's but she decided she wanted to go to the Hardees in Meridianville. She has never been inside and she was really excited to not go to the drive thru. We sat at the high table and had wonderful conversation about ketchup and stuff. I told her that when I am older when she starts to drive would she would bring me there to eat? She said I would never get old. LOL She then wanted to head to town. She had only mentioned Chucky Cheese about 50 times by this point. So off we go. WOW, that same band is still there that was playing when we used to take our kids! They haven't aged a bit, but I really could tell I have, I felt it. She had me on some of those rides and playing those games until I was in pain. There were kids everywhere! I swung that big purse on my back and took off with her, but I am here to tell you... I can't keep up! Then there were those tickets that you stand in line to get a wrist band?!?!? That flat wore me out, but she had a blast! We then visited my mother and that was so special for all three of us. We went home and the next project was painting a birdhouse purple. She loves to do crafts. She was so sweet and I am so glad we got to do everything she wanted to. I love all my grandchildren and pray for more days like that with each one. This day made me realize how fast time is flying by. By the way, I got to pick her up from school one day the same week and that was also a great experience, until the lady behind me blew her horn for me to move forward and I about jumped out of my skin! LOL WOW, getting old is not that easy!