December 10, 2008

The Great Smokey Mountains

Well, we did it again... Steve and I took Mother on a little vacation. I knew this was going to be a tough time of the year for me, so I can only imagine how she will get through her first holiday season with out her companion for 60 years. I thought I would take on a little tailspin through the Smokey Mountains. She loved it. We stopped at the first Cracker Barrel we came to! She had never been to one. It was a beautiful sunny day driving up there. We took her through Cherokee, NC, then over the mountain into Gatlinburg and then up another side of the mountains to our condo. We had a beautiful view and a wonderful time. Thanksgiving has come and gone. It was a very sad day to me, but we had a nice lunch at Mother's house and all the family was there. It felt like an "out of body" experience for me. Like going through the motions type of thing. Time will heal, I am sure. On the one year anniversary of daddy's death, Alabama beat Auburn and my family was so excited! He would have loved that! Thank you God for Nathan Bryant who spent the whole day with us and we had a great time! We are so blessed.

She liked this picture cause it make her look little!!!!

Our view from the condo

Mother and I were scared to both get out for fear that Steve was leave us there!

But we did let him drop us off to get some GREAT Fudge!!!

Thank you God for time well spent!!!!


1 comment:

Vikki said...

I know you are having a hard time, I pray that you will heal. Love always, Vikki